Position Papers

MEA’s views on the Bill on the Health and Safety at Work, Act, 2024 Download

Report on the SMEs National Forum 2023: Foreign Workers in the Logistics Industry – Addressing HR Challenges Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2024 Download

Konferenza dwar ir-rata baxxa tat-twelid f’Malta – SFIDA EŻISTENZJALI, July 2023 MT version / EN version 

Report on the SMEs National Forum 2022: Ensuring the Skills for Future Competitiveness Download

Position Paper: Proposals for a Stabilisation Mechanism for COLA, September 2022 Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2023 Download

Background Dossier on MEA Initiatives Towards: “Ensuring the Skills for Future Competitiveness”, July 2022 Download

Report on the SMEs National Forum 2021: SMEs & Green Growth – The Journey Ahead Download

Memorandum to Political Parties – Economic Sustainability, Governance & Wellbeing, March 2022 Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2022  Download

Position Paper: Addressing a Chronic Shortage of Employees, August 2021 Download

Recommendations by the Malta Employers’ Association on the LONG TERM RENOVATION STRATEGY 2050, June 2021  Download

Position Paper on Teleworking & Remote Working Arrangements – A Balanced and Informed Approach, October 2020  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2021  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget June 2020  Download

Position Paper – Parliamentary Reform: Towards a More Productive Parliament, February 2020  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2020  Download

MEA’s Opinion on the Proposal of Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2019  Download

Position Paper: Malta’s Demographic Challenges, November 2017 Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2018  Download

Memorandum to Political Parties – Towards Sustained Economic Growth & Better Governance, May 2017  Download

National Agreement on the Minimum Wage, April 2017  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2017  Download

MEA views on proposed Equality Act 2015 and the Human Rights and Equality Commission Act  Download

Memorandum of Understading between the Employment & Training Corporation, on one part, and the Malta Employers’ Association and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise & Industry on the other – Employment of Persons with Disability, signed on 28 April 2016.  Download

Position Paper: Facilitating the Employment of Foreign Employees in Malta – Recommendations by MEA, April 2016  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2016  Download

MEA’s Position Paper: Reaction and Proposals to the document ‘Strengthening the Pension System – A strategy for an Adequate and Sustainable Maltese Pension System’, September 2015  Download

MEA’s Position Paper on The State of Social Dialogue & Industrial Relations in Malta, March 2015  Download

MEA’s Position Paper on Governments’ Measures to Increase Employment of Disabled Persons, January 2015 Download

MEA’s Position paper on the Entrepreneurship Curriculum, 2014  Download

MEA’s Position Paper on the Draft Discussion Document on the Introduction of Blacklisting Regulations, October 2014 Downlaod

MEA’s Position Statement on the Shop Opening Hours Reform, October 2014 Download

MEA’s Position Statement on the Government’s Proposals to raise the Social Security Contribution paid by Employers to compensate for paid Maternity Leave, October 2014 Download

Il-Burokrazija Zejda: Inkomplu Nikkontrollawha, Inrazznuha u Innaqsuha – Proposti prezentati lill-Ufficcju tal-Kummissarju ghas-simplifikazzjoni u t-Tnaqqis tal-Burokrazija, Settembru 2014  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2015  Download

Proposed Amendments to the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, 2002 Download

Joint Business Manifesto Launched, February 2014  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2014  Download

MEA Position Paper on Illegal and Atypical Employment Practices, July 2013  Download

Strength in Unity – A Memorandum to Political Parties, October 2012  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2013  Download

Social Policy Meausres for a Decent Living – A Response by the Malta Employers’ Association to the Caritas Study, April 2012  Download

MEA’s Position on Extended Maternity Leave, November 2011  Download

MEA Proposals for National Budget 2012  Download

Malta & Libya: Establishing Political, Economic and Social Links with a Young Democracy – Position Paper by the Malta Employers’ Association  Download

The Economic Implications of Pensions – Reactions and Proposals by the Malta Employers’ Association, July 2011  Download

Position Paper on the Proposal for the setting up of a National Living Wage  Download

MEA’s Energy Pact Proposal for Malta for the years 2011 – 2015  Download

MEA Proposals for the National Budget 2009  Download

Talking Point: Automatic Destablisation  Download

Talking Point: What Employers Want: The Greater Good  Download

Living with Increases in Energy Prices – Discussion Document submitted by the Malta Employers’ Association to the MCESD, July 2008   Download

A Memorandum to Political Parties submitted by the Malta Employers’ Association, March 2008  Download

MEA Proposals for the National Budget 2008  Download

MEA’s position paper on MCESD structure Download

MEA’s position on the issue of Family Friendly Measures Download

MEA’s Reaction to the Pre-Budget Document 2007 – Securing Our Future Download

Position Paper by MEA on the status of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD)  Download 

Setting Employment Targets – MEA’s reply to the Malta Independent Editorial published on Saturday 1 October 2005.

MEA’s reaction to the documents: “For a Better Quality of Life” and the consultation document of the National Reform Programme.  Download part 1 and part 2.

For All Children to Succeed – A New Network Organisation for Quality Education in Malta — Position Statement by the Malta Employers’ Association  Download

MEA Proposals for the National Budget 2006  Download

Speech by Mr Joseph Farrugia, Director General of MEA at a National Conference organised by the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs on 7 February 2005.  The conference theme was Irregular Immigrants.  Download

The Malta Employers’ Association issued a document on the Lisbon Strategy.  This paper was presented to the Hon. Jason Azzopardi, President of the Committee for European and Foreign Affairs who invited the Constituted Bodies for a meeting with the committee which was held in Parliament recently.  Read the paper here.

Proposals by the Malta Employers’ Association for Pension Reform – April 2005  download

The Malta Labour Party issued a document with proposals on how to regenerate the economy.  A meeting was held between the MEA presidency team and the MLP on 15 March 2005 at MEA premises to discuss the contents of this document.  On its part, the MEA issued its own comments on the MLP document.  The comments, which have been released to the media can be downloaded from here.

White Paper on Pension Reform, 2004 – Presentation by Mr David Spiteri Gingell, Chairperson of the Pensions Working Group  Download

Pension Reform – MEA Research & Proposals  Download

MEA Proposals for the National Budget 2005  Download

Paper on Work-Life Balance with Focus on Family Life  Download

Generating Productive Employment – A National Priority  —  Proposals by the Malta Employers’ Association for the creation of a Social Pact for Malta  Download

MEA’s reactions to the National Action Plan on Employment  Download

The MEA Position Paper on the introduction of the Eco Tax  Download

Proposals by the Malta Employers’ Association for Pension Reform  Download