The Malta Employers’ Association and its Objectives
The Union (later Association) of Employers was founded on the 17th March 1958 under the Presidency of Mr. Anthony Miceli Farrugia. On the 1st December 1965 it merged with the Malta Employers’ Confederation to form the Malta Employers’ Association.
The Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) is a constituted body which brings together employers from all sectors of industry and commerce in Malta. It is, in effect, the “trade union” of employers, formally registered as such under the Employment and Industrial Relations Act (2002).
The principal purpose for which the Association is created is the regulation of relations between employers, workers and trade unions.
Whilst taking due regard of the wider interests of the whole community, the Association is bound to endeavour to decisively influence the formation of policies at national level which lead to:
1. The development of a culture positively encouraging enterprise;
2. The creation of economic and social conditions favourable to the profitable growth and competitiveness of Maltese business and also in the interests of employers in general; and
3. The development of productive employment.
The Association has the following objectives:
1. To unite all Employers in a common endeavour to establish and thereafter maintain the best possible relations
a) among the Members of the Association;
b) between the Association and recognised representatives of employees;
c) between the Members of the Association and their respective employees;
and to co-ordinate through collective bargaining or consultation the policies and activities of members in the field of industrial relations and related areas.
2. To represent, communicate and co-operate and/or act as an authoritative medium of communication with the Government, Government departments, public authorities and services, constituted bodies, unions, associations, societies, companies, chambers and other bodies, whether local or overseas, on all matters affecting generally industrial relations or the particular interests of Members and other employers.
3. At the request of any Member, group of Members or of all Members jointly to act on their behalf in their capacity as employers in regulating the relations between employers and employees.
4. To promote and undertake by negotiation and/or arbitration the settlement of any industrial dispute which may arise either between individual Members and their respective employees or between the Association and any constituted representative body of employees.
5. To co-operate with other industrial and trade organisations including trade unions for the regulation of the relations among employers and/or between employers and employees.
6. To provide a forum for regular consultation between Members on matters of common interest.
7. To dispense to Members a consultative and advisory service on any employer/employee question and upon request by any Member to make available the personal service of any official of the Association or of any other person for advice, guidance and assistance on any employee relations or industrial question.
8. To obtain from Members and to maintain available at all times, up to date, statistical and other data as may be deemed necessary or desirable in order to monitor the prevailing wages structure and general conditions or employment in Malta.
9. To obtain from other appropriate sources statistics and other data which may have relevance to employee relations in Malta.
10. To act in the interests of its Members as the employers’ representative body on all matters coming within the scope of :
a) the International Labour Organisation;
b) non Government organisations such as the International Organisation of Employers; and
c) any other international organisation.
11. To promote or oppose legislative and other measures affecting or likely to affect Members.
12. To co-operate with and/or become a Member or associate of any organisation of employers, international or otherwise, whose main objects are identical or similar to those of the Association.
13. To assist the organisation or grouping of employers into associations or sections for promoting and safeguarding the sectoral interests of their particular trade or industry in all matters affecting employee relations, with a view to such associations being admitted to membership of the Association.
14. To promote concerted action by the constituents of any section or sections of the various groups of employers where this is deemed to be in conformity with the objects of the Association.
Since it was first created in 1965, the MEA has successfully represented its members’ interests in all aspects of industrial relations and trade union disputes. It is the acknowledged leader in its specialised field of industrial relations and is highly respected by the Government, the trade unions and other constituted bodies with whom it enjoys close working relationships.
The MEA maintains contact with the more important labour-oriented international organisations and is a member of the International Organisation of Employers, SGI Europe and BusinessMed – all of which present valuable sources of advice. The association also represents its members in the national delegation to the annual International Labour Conference.
The MEA or its nominees are represented, amongst others on :
The Forum for a Better Economy;
The Malta Council for Economic and Social Development;
The Board of Directors of JobsPlus;
The Malta Broadcasting Authority;
The Panel of Assessors assisting the Chairman of the Industrial Tribunal;
The National Employment Authority
The Labour Board;
The Occupational Health & Safety Commission;
The Port Labour Joint Council; and
The Social Security Umpire’s Office.