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Information Session: The Status of Self Employed Persons & Overtime Regulations

Events 16/02/2012 - 16/02/2012

Two important employment related legal notices have been published and are in force. The first is L.N.44 of 2012: Employment Status National Standard Order, and the other is L.N. 46 of 2012: Overtime Regulations. The first one sets restrictive criteria to determine whether a person should be considered as an employee or self employed, whereas the legal notice on overtime addresses the option for banking of hours arrangements and the conditions under which these can be applied.

These are very important legislative measures that will have an impact on many businesses. For this reason we issued two UPDATEs to our members to give you an explanation about the contents. An information session was organised on 16 February 2012. During this event, Dr Charlotte Camilleri and Mr Joseph Farrugia gave two presentations about these Legal Notices. Dr Noel Vella, Director, Department for Industrial and Employment Relations was also present and he answered questions from the floor.

Click here to download the presentation delivered by Mr Joseph Farrugia.

Click here to download the presentation delivered by Dr Charlotte Camilleri.

Venue: MEA
Contact: Admin