Information Session: The Malta Qualifications Framework: Its Relevance to Employers
MEA Events 12/02/2010 - 12/02/2010
The Malta Employers’ Association organised an information session about the recent developments regarding the Malta Qualifications Framework. The session focused on the referencing process, and how qualifications shall be classified in the MQF. It was held on 12th February 2010 at the Hotel Phoenicia, the Mall, Floriana. Dr James Calleja and Mr Richard Curmi from the Malta Qualifications Council delivered a presentation about Standards and Qualifications.
What is the Malta Qualifications Council?
The mission statement of the MQC states that its main objective is: To oversee the development of the National Qualifications Framework in the context of lifelong learning and to work in partnership with learners, employers and training and education providers to achieve and maintain excellence as a contribution towards the national effort for competitiveness.
Malta’s Qualifications Framework takes the existing qualifications currently being issued by local education and training institutions and superimposes them on eight different levels.
MQC accredits programmes of studies and institutions on the basis of level descriptors, quality assurance mechanisms and clear pathways for further training and education. Occupational standards also determine the accreditation of specific programmes of studies.
Validation is the tool through which invisible learning is made visible. It is the tool through which, within a lifelong learning perspective, what is learnt, in whatever way, can be assigned a recognised value for personal use, social recognition, and employment. For individuals, validation means giving value to all the range of skills and competences one has; for employers it makes human resource management easier as it is possible to identify what a person is able to do; and for society where all the skills and competences available can be mapped. Validation is used as a common term to cover a whole process involving first the identification of learning outcomes, undergoing assessment and/or testing processes, to recognition, certification or accreditation at the end of the process.
The importance of validation has been highlighted in trying to value all types of learning, whenever and wherever it takes place and with a view that it makes visible learning what has so far still remained invisible. This is particularly relevant in the case of lifelong learning.
Validation takes place in the case of formal, informal and non-formal learning situations. In the case of formal education involving education and/or training programmes, validation leads to a certificate or diploma. This certification is usually placed within a national qualifications framework. This type of validation includes assessment of prior learning (APL). Validation in this area is usually recognised nationally and possibly also internationally, and has value within the labour market. Validation of formal education is quite advanced.
Venue: MEA
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