Employer Branding
Information Session 07/02/2018 - 07/02/2018
The Malta Employers’ Association in collaboration with MISCO are organising an Information Session with the theme: Employer Branding – Is this the future of HR? on 7 February 2018 at the MEA’s Training Centre in Valletta.
Employer branding remains relevant in a labour market where there are skill shortages and organisations competing for talent. Organisations can use an employer brand to help them compete effectively and drive employee loyalty through effective recruitment, engagement and retention.
The aim of this information session is to update participants with the importance of having an employer brand and provide suggestions of how to develop an employer brand.
Click here to download the detailed programme along with the registration form.
Registration is free of charge, but booking is necessary. For registrations or for further information, kindly contact Dorianne Azzopardi Cilia on 21222992 / 21237585 or email: [email protected]
Venue: MEA Training Centre, South Street, Valletta
Dorianne Azzopardi Cilia
[email protected]