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A Virtual Talk with EESC for Employers

Meetings 19/05/2021 - 19/05/2021

The Malta Employers’ Association is organising a virtual talk with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for Employers on Wednesday, 19 May 2021.

The EESC is a consultative body of the European Union composed of social partners namely employers (employers’ organisations), employees (trade unions) and representative of various other interests. MEA Senior Vice-President Dolores Sammut Bonnici is a member of the Employers Group in EESC and thus is continuously representing employers on subjects being discussed (e.g. right to disconnect, minimum wage, the Green Deal, etc.)

We want MEA members to know the roles of EESC, MEA’s involvements, subjects being discussed and how employers can voice their opinions and be part of EU social dialogue.

Register HERE:

Registration is FREE OF CHARGE and priority will be given to MEA members.

The Agenda includes interventions from Mr Stefano Mallia as the President of the EESC Employers Group, Ms Dolores Sammut Bonnici as a member of the EESC Employers Group and Senior Vice-President of MEA, and interventions by EESC speakers – Mr Georgios Meleas to give an overall of EESC’s works and Ms Sophie Zimmer who will be speaking on the discussions held on minimum wage. Attendees will have the time to ask questions.

Venue: online
Contact: Dorianne Azzopardi Cilia