50th Annual General Meeting
Meetings 27/02/2015 - 27/02/2015
This year there will be elections for the incoming Council.
In accordance with Rule 8 of the Statute the elected members of the Council shall consist of:
- eight members elected by and from the General Membership, and
- a representative from each of the ten Sector Groups
The ten Sector Groups constituted in terms of Rule 11.1 are:
Banking, Insurance, and Financial Services
Educational Services
Construction, Electrical, Engineering and Metal
ICT and Gaming
Manufacturing Industry
Hospitality, Tourism and Travel
Aviation, Maritime and Transport
Wholesale, Retail and other Commercial Services
Parastatal and Government Authorities
Health and Professional services
Nominations are hereby invited for candidates for selection under category referred above and for selection “at large”. All candidates must be members or representatives of members who have been members for at least six months prior to 27th February 2015.
Please complete your Nomination Forms and return them to Mr Joseph Farrugia (Director General) by not later than Friday, 20th February 2015.
Venue: newly refurbished MEA premises at 38/4 South Street, Valletta
Dorianne Azzopardi Cilia
[email protected]