Ian Deguara

Mr Ian Deguara has been appointed as Information and Data Protection Commissioner for a period of five (5) years with effect from 21st December 2020.

Mr Ian Deguara was one of the first employees to join the Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in December 2002 after successfully completing his studies at the University of Malta, where he obtained a degree in computing and also in management.

Initially, even before the Data Protection Act came into force in July 2003, his role included assisting the Commissioner to smoothly implement the novel set of rules which introduced fundamental rights to data subjects and imposed obligations on data controllers. Mr Deguara was involved in the investigation of data protection and freedom of information complaints, advised the Commissioner on local and European data protection issues and other technological matters, and represented the Office in expert groups of the European Data Protection Board.

Mr Deguara formed part of the national taskforce set up with the mandate to prepare the necessary legal instruments to implement the General Data Protection Regulation. He delivered various information sessions and participated as an expert speaker in a number of conferences which were organised to raise awareness on the reformed data protection package.

Mr Deguara formulated internal policies and devised strategies to align the Office’s regulatory tasks and duties with the requirements of the GDPR.

During these years, Mr Deguara acquired a level of expertise in the area of the protection of personal data and freedom of information.